I will show you that surviving can be beautiful.

I recently saw a trend on tiktok. There's usually a powerful/emotional song playing in the background and the caption states " share a picture of yourself at your lowest point in life and nobody knew." I really started to think about mine. And I scrolled through my camera roll, and here's mine.November 2019. Have you ever seen those images that say: "Be kind, because everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about?" I feel I'm a walking billboard for that. PSA:I live this life that people just can’t really understand until they walk in my shoes. And on a regular basis , I am bound to write something that is going to make people wince…cringe and ‘re-think’ who I am and what I represent and all the other things I didn't ask for. And this is one of those things. There may be some triggers to others in this post. Everyone around me knows our story of Samuel, so of course they knew I was grieving, hurting and struggling.But I don't think anyone ...