Part 3-update
After last week's appointments, we spent most of our weekend in a daze. We tried to keep busy to keep our minds busy. Our 1 year old is really good at distracting us. Sunday, we decided to take our prayers to church. We shuffled into the back pew of the church with my Grandpa.It was ironic to me the whole church service was based on "prayer' and how and when we should be praying. It seemed so fitting. And the final hymn of the day was "What a friend we have in Jesus". It's one I've known since my Sunday school days. But the words really hit me that day. As I was choking back tears, I could see my Grandpa wiping away his own. My Grandpa of course knows what is going on, but is not a man of many words. He doesn't need to be. But he's also not a man of many tears. I can count on 1 hand the number of times I've seen my Grandpa cry. On Monday, August 19th, I got the call that our amniocentesis test came back with 98% positive ...