Strangfeld, Party of 3.

So I guess this is where my journey ends. My journey of pregnancy that is. 5 days ago when I wrote my last blog, I was 37 weeks pregnant, today I'm 3 day post partum. It's truly crazy how fast life changes. I've anticipated this moment for the last 9 months. And just like that, the "moment " was over and I became a mom! Was the moment everything I thought it would be? It was more. More in every way possible. More intense , more frustrating, more emotional, more exhausting. It was just more. This last Tuesday, (37 weeks+3) I had my routine checkup with my doctor. And we decided to strip my membranes . I waited all day for the moment things would change. And nothing was happening. So I carried on, but by 8pm, my contractions had taken a turn and i this was something different. We packed up the car, being 100% sure we weren't coming home without a baby this time. The pain was intense , the car ride was long, and time stood...